Tuesday, December 05, 2006

what a day...

yesterday brooke came home in such a great mood. we were told she had a great day at school....that's really good extra good on a monday! we've started a new therapy plan that i hope will give her more words than she has now. my after school therapist laura and molly seem to be excited about it and are doing a great job and are seeing how each piece of the puzzle forms words and even phrases to her vocabulary. are hopes are high on the Lord....who does not disappoint.

i had an art show this past weekend at a friends house that i just recently met. i cannot put into words the outpouring of God's blessing. All the money will go towards brooke's bio-medical needs which include doctor consults, speciality food items, and supplements. My 87 mosiacs were sold out! Plus we had a "donation only" for brooke's paintings. we had 19 in all of hers and over half sold. God's blessings poured out that day....as an angel opened her house and her love to our family. what a day to celebrate God's provision and praise!

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