Thursday, January 21, 2010

update 2110

I apologize for the delay in blogging. work has kept me on my toes as we have know transitioned into the boys cottage. we have 5 boys which makes 7...bill making 8 and me...yes, the only girl in the house. all is going well w/the change.

Update on Brooke:

this past season (as you have noticed w/no blogs) have been difficult, unmanageable, and for me personally sad. i have been grieving for some time now. you'll notice that about me. i don't blog when i'm really down. however things are looking up. let me give you the low down on all that has happened in the past few months.

brooke finally got off her behavior meds. a week later she started her cycle for the first time, she got a new roommate and she moved to another classroom. yes, that is alot for an autistic child. none of this was planned but it sure happened. thanksgiving and Christmas as i mentioned in an earlier post was difficult. i will post some picture soon. our camera has not been working well. i also wanted to get her new years eve/day....after her arriving to house for a 2 hour visit she left 45 minutes earlier. it was probably the worst visits to the cottage.

however, just this past weekend she came to the relief house w/us and it was like another child! she was happy and loving. i was able to sleep w/brooke and it felt wonderful to wake up beside her in the morning.

we are not aware of all the behavior changes going on right now but her staff are working hard to find the function of her behaviors. i am going to the school twice a week now and i'm learning so much which helps when she does come home for a visit.

even though life is a bit tough w/her at times does not change our love and attention to her. she is a beautiful child and i'm grateful God blessed me w/her. God has also blessed me w/many wonderful people that work with her at the school and i am a different person b/c of the love and compassion they show to children w/special needs.

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